
Our practice places a great emphasis on holistic and individual care. That is why we have carefully put together our range of services in order to be able to respond to your specific needs. Our areas of focus include but are not limited to:

What is

Clinical environmental medicine?

Clinical environmental medicine is an interdisciplinary field, making use of many different scientific findings and methods and bringing them into new contexts in order to help sick people as best as possible and to support them in healing.

Simply put, clinical environmental medicine deals with all environmental influences that affect an individual. On the one hand, these can be obvious aspects in the direct environment of the person concerned, but also influences that are not recognizable at first glance. This includes, for example, fungal spores in indoor plant pots or other metals and toxins in the immediate vicinity that are harmful to the person in question. Due to the versatility and the seemingly endless possibilities for environmental influences, an extensive and in-depth initial anamnesis is crucial for clinical environmental medicine. In addition, other specialist areas are often included, such as building biologists or specialized laboratories.

Clinical environmental medicine not only intervenes when someone is already symptomatically ill, but is also used in preventive treatment. Here, for example, genetic tests can be used as a preventive measure.

What is

Functional medicine?

Functional medicine takes a holistic approach and sees the human being as a unit consisting of a body and a mind. In a detailed anamnesis, in addition to the physical ailments, many different factors from the patient’s environment, such as nutrition, behavior, psychological experiences, place of residence and medication intake, as well as the current living situation of the patient and their lifestyle are investigated. In addition, comprehensive tests are carried out so that eventually a meaningful diagnosis can be made. Through functional medicine, we also restore the homeostasis, i.e. the balance, of the body.

What is

Metal toxicology?

In modern healthcare, the importance and recognition of metals as the cause of a wide variety of diseases is increasing.
Numerous studies have shown that even small amounts of lead, cadmium and mercury, for example, are sufficient to increase the risk of heart attacks, cancer, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and neurological diseases.

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What is


Immunology, or immunobiology, relates to the biological and biochemical physical defense against bacteria, viruses or fungi that lead to various diseases.

In addition to this defense, it can also happen that the body’s own immune system malfunctions. A variety of factors can cause this malfunction, which can be examined and treated with the help of functional medicine and clinical environmental medicine. The consequences of such a malfunction or intolerance of the immune system are basically chronic inflammations that are hidden and cost the body a lot of energy.


Dental health is important to us

Foreign materials are used in the oral cavity for dentures: implants, crowns and fillings. Health insurance companies (in some countries) are still happy to finance amalgam as a cheap alternative, because from the point of view of conventional medicine these fillings fulfil their purpose, they guarantee that the patient can chew. Amalgam has been proven to be toxic due to its high proportion of mercury.

Amalgam fillings, but also gold alloys and other metals should be avoided as much as possible. If such fillings are already present, they should – in our opinion – be replaced as quickly as possible and the body should be examined from a metal-toxicological point of view.

The patient is often not told that foreign materials – no matter what kind – can lead to problems in the body. It is therefore essential to prepare the body specifically for any dental procedure beforehand in order to increase the likelihood of acceptance and reduce unwanted counter-reactions. Careful preparation and follow-up treatment guarantee the best results.

We would be happy to advise you in our dental consultation hours and, if necessary, contact your dental practice to explain your current situation to them from the point of view of clinical environmental medicine.

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